We’ve now been travelling across the Pacific Ocean for six months, covering 6000NM. And for most of those 6000NM we’ve been bitching about the ‘un-pacific’ nature of this huge expanse of water. Instead of a lazy, fat, rolling labrador of a sea, we’ve often encountered something more akin to a pit bull terrier – strong, pugnacious and unpredictable, with a nasty bite occasionally. So it should have come as no surprise that Neptune eventually got fed up with our griping and gave us what we wished for, in spades. This is about as pacific as the Pacific could possibly get…. Continue reading “Dead Calm – Passage to Niue”
10,000 Miles – Aitutaki, Cook Islands

The day before we reached Aitutaki, we had a little celebration when our log clicked over to 10K, the number of miles travelled since we left Annapolis last October. But Huey the wind god really made us work for these last 500, he wanted to make sure we knew who was boss out here…. Continue reading “10,000 Miles – Aitutaki, Cook Islands”
High Society – Bora Bora, French Polynesia
We have to pinch ourselves. We really do. Here we are anchored in the stunning emerald lagoon of Bora Bora, the epitome of romance for honeymooners and touted as the most beautiful island in the world. And we just sailed in and plonked ourselves down next to all the rich and famous enjoying their mega-bucks holiday! Ok, we didn’t exactly get here for free when you take into account all the costs associated with cruising..…but you get my drift. All very “Ab Fab” – “Eddie, Eddie sweetie dahling, fetch me my long white gloves and let’s crack open another bottle of Bolly dahling”. Continue reading “High Society – Bora Bora, French Polynesia”